Friday, 5 July 2013

Question: When is Watford not Watford? .... Answer: When it's Leicester!

Thursday 4 July 2013, page 55

Accompanying James Sharpe's column of "City News"  is a photograph with the caption " THE END: Manager Nigel Pearson consoles Anthony Knockaert after City's play-off heartbreak at Watford"

The key phrase here is ... at Watford.

Let's look at the clues:
 1. The Watford game was in daylight.- this photo' appears to have been taken at night and under floodlights.
 2. The Vicarage Road seats are yellow and red - the ones in the background are blue.
 3. Isn't that the start of a King Power advertisement next to Knockaert's shorts?

To think they've put the price of the paper up by 11% for this standard of work ...the inhabitants of Twycross Zoo could do a better job! 

Grateful thanks to all correspondents who pointed out this howler.

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